How does a phone app boost your business brand?

How does a phone app boost your business brand?

How does a mobile app boost your business brand?

It is said that statistically 80% of iOS and Android usage is spent on custom mobile apps, meaning only 20% is spent on browser activity. As a result of this, launching a mobile app for your business can be an extremely important step towards bringing greater publicity as well as productivity.

Ranging from small-scale fun apps to more serious and production-based apps, mobile software can do a lot for your business.

Here are nine points to take into consideration when considering creating a web app and make sure you achieve the desired result.

  1. Outline your target audience and get feedback from potential customers

First things first you should always look at communication. You’ll need to take particular interest in the types of devices they will be using as each one is different. The requirements for an iPhone, Android, Samsung etc. are not the same and so you’ll need to ask who is using this software and what with first of all.

Once you know the foundations of who you’ll be dealing with you can make more educated choices about the finer details of the software.

  1. Identify an end goal and set objectives

We here at Web Alliance are firm believers that no two businesses are ever the same and every business varies immensely when you get down to the nitty-gritty. This is a step that we can’t necessarily help you with.

Due to the nature of things your goals are your goals to set. Do you want customers to be intrigued and engage with everything on the app? Or do you prefer to have your app aimed more at return customers, building brand loyalty?

Being specific will provide you with, essentially, a plan of action for you to take which will make the chances of success from your app multiple fourfold.

  1. Get users attention with a brilliant idea

An app does not have to be a business website. Anyone can, and probably will, visit your website. In fact, your website will usually be the first port of call for most potential customers. So why create an app that just repeats what you’ve already been saying and selling on your website? The efforts will be made redundant by this duplication. Find a single thing that will set it apart and make potential customers do a double take.

However, don’t take it too far and keep it simple! An app should always be as streamlined as possible. People don’t carry around their phones for the intricacies, its for ease of access and use that are the biggest selling points for phones so make sure your application stays in line with that philosophy.

  1. Deciding whether or not to monetize your app

Making the right decision here can be the difference between a huge amount of downloads or greater revenues. If your app is focused more on marketing and is a tool to promote your business then perhaps offering it for free is a better idea. If you can make it worth their while with deals, games, or other interactive media then you will easily get more downloads because users will believe there is something in it for them.

There are also a lot of priced apps. These online apps tend to offer something genuinely useful. If you’re able to do this and get a good marketing campaign behind the app then you can put a price on it.

This decision is critical to both the development and reception of the app so its worthwhile talking extensively to your software developers about this.




  1. Do your research!

Market research is essential here. It will not only help with targeting the correct audience, as mentioned in point one, but it will also help you avoid the mistakes of those before you. If you aren’t looking and previous, unsuccessful apps and making sure you can do better, then you chance of success may be severely limited.

  1. Check out competition

Not too dissimilar to the previous point, check out the currently existing competition and find out what they do well and what you think you could improve on. If the apps don’t suck you in then you’ll know they’re dead in the water. See also how tech magazines and online publications judge the apps they review and pay close attention to their reasoning behind the score. Talk to your customers again and see what they enjoy about the apps they currently use.

  1. Pick the right publicity and get attention

How to actually reach your target audience will vary depending on the business and the app. You might not need to release a whole trailer on YouTube but a fun and creative video, coverage on social media or an ad in the newspapers are all strategies that have worked for different apps.

Start with loyal customers, friends, family members, and branch out from there. Perhaps get in touch with bloggers who will review you app in return to access to free products perhaps. The possibilities are endless.

  1. Take feedback onboard

You’ll soon begin to realise what makes a successful app and what doesn’t. Ask for as much feedback as you can and be thankful when you receive it. Its important for customers to know you will act on their feedback. and you’ll realise that a negative reaction to something is just a tool to reach excellence.

Everyone wins

Its important to note that apps can be useful to everyone without being advertising in disguise. Being useful to customers and beneficial to the brand are not two mutually exclusive positions. Think like a user and go from there.